Saturday, June 14, 2008


Human bone us as strong as granite in supporting weight. A block of the size of a matchbox can support 9 tones –four times as much as concrete

The average person in the west eats 50tonnes of food and drinks 50,000 liters (11,000 gallons) of the liquid during his life.

Each finger and toenail takes about six months to grow from its base to the tip.

Humans and monkeys are the only mammals, which can differentiate different colors.

Bamboo is a kind of grass.

SCIENCE in everyday life:

Pages of old books become brittle, why?

The brittle book syndrome strikes books printed on acidic paper. With time, moisture in the air hydrolyses the manufacturing residues forming acids throughout the paper, most cellulose of the paper fibers and breaks up the polymer chains which give the paper its strength. More and more such books are becoming brittle and
unusable every year. The American scientists have mow developed a new technology to save old vacuum chamber and the air is extracted. The books are dried and diethylzinc gas is pumped in. This neutralizes the acid residues in the paper and forms a buffer of zinc oxide that prevents future acid attack. The process deacidifies paper fibers uniformly throughout the paper, not just on the surface.

How does anesthesia make a patient unconscious?

Anesthesia is believed to produce unconsciousness by mechanisms similar to deep sleep. In the base of the brain, there are special sets of cells which keep us awake. These are called the ‘reticular formation’ essentially a network of nerve cells. Activity of these cells in relation of the other parts of the brain determines the state of consciousness. Brain cells communicate with each other using chemicals, generating small electrical currents by exchanging Na+ and k+ (sodium and potassium) ions, across the cell surface. Anesthesia temporarily interferes with this process of chemical and electrical communication o n the brain cell surface. This break in communication results in the person becoming unconscious. However, how exactly anesthesia works is still not known.

How does milk become curd?

Milk contains milk sugar, lactose. Curd contains the lactose enzyme and when a culture of surd is added to a large amount of milk, the lactose in the milk undergoes fermentation to give lactic acid. Lactic acid thus formed reacts with more lactose in milk to five the thick, solid substance we call curd. As the fermentation reaction takes place at optimum temperatures (250c-270c), curd formation is difficult at temperatures lower or higher than these.

Why does paper curl when it is burnt?

Sheets of paper are made of cellulose fibers that are matted together and pressed between rotating cylinders. As the matted sheet passes between the cylinders, it is pressed, dried as well as stretched so that the cellulose fibers get stretched and remain that way. The fibers in the sheet of paper are held together by hydrogen bonds. But as the sheet of paper starts burning, these bonds are randomly broken. This fives a crumpled appearance to the burnt paper just before it burns to ashes.

Why do person lose balance after spinning quickly for a number of times?

The sensing of motion by the brain of humans is done through a special set of structures in the inner ear called the vestibular organs-the utricle and the three semi-circular canals. These contain minute sensitive hairs in a fluid filled sac like structures. Whenever a change in the position of head occurs, as happens while moving or turning, the fluid in the vestibular organs is disturbed. The minute hairs sense this disturbance and the message is conveyed to the brain. The body is then directed by the brain to adjust so as to maintain the balance. During rapid spinning of the body, the fluid in the semi-circular canals also spins and continues to do so for some time even after the body has stopped spinning. This continued movement of the fluid conveys a false sense of motion to the brain. The result is giddiness or a fall.

Why do we sweat more when frightened?

Sweating is a natural phenomenon to get rid of the excess of heat from the body. The human usually dissipates, by radiating into the surrounding; the heat produced continuously by metabolic reactions and tries to maintain its organs at a comfortable 370c. On a hot summer day when the temperature in the surroundings is sufficiently high, the dissipation is slowed down and heat accumulated resulting in sweating. However, accumulation of heat can also occur in situations where the metabolism is speeded up. Such a thing happens due to a sudden increase in the blood pressure caused by the release of a hormone-adrenaline into the blood stream on fright. The body sweats when faced with such a situation to get rid of excess heat produced.

Why do our fingers make a cracking sound when bent or pressed?

Each finger has three small bones joined end to end with the next one. They are joined by long flexible muscle fibers called tendon which allow them to bend but not move forward or backward. This arrangement is more like keeping two pieces in place by fixing a thin metal strip in such fixtures; the tendons in fingers can be moved with a little pressure. Whenever so moved or slipped form their positions tendons produce a’ popping ‘sound which we call ‘the cracking’. It takes sometime for such tendons to regain their original positions. This is why a joint once cracked does not crack again if pressed immediately.

Why body shivers in severe cold?

Muscles are capable of utilizing, in their mechanical work, only about 20% to 40% of energy liberated form glucose. The unutilized energy is lost as ‘heat’ dissipated into the environment. This heat helps in maintenance of body temperature. Shivering with cold in winter is an involuntary action of striated muscles. It yields, not a mechanical work, but only some heat just to warm body.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


The EYES in our body remain same till death while the other parts in our face grow.

Doctors of Switzerland and European countries does not know about MALARIA fever

Mind Your Body Language

Much has been written about body language but do wereally know what our gestures, movements and eyes sayto others? Here is a brief guide. Try and avoid thefollowing if you want yourself to be viewed in apositive light, say the experts.

Being tentative: Shuffling or sliding into a room is astrict no-no. Move or stride in as if you have apurpose.

Looking down: The downcast look means lack ofself-confidence. Make and hold eye contact.

Chin up: Lowering your chin means you are on thedefensive.

The limp handshake: This conveys a lack of interest inthe other person.

The squeeze: If you grip the other person’s hand toohard, chances are that you’ll never get theopportunity to shake hands with him or her again!

Fidgeting: Yawning, tapping a pencil, twisting yourfingers, playing with your hair…, all these conveynervousness.

Sighing: You do this when you are desperate to getaway from the scenario.

Eye talk: Narrowing your eyes is negative as itsuggests in built anger or frustration. Raisedeyebrows convey disbelief as if you don’t believe theother person.

Crossing over: Crossing your arms in front of yourchest suggests a defensive posture and conveys thatyou have a closed mind on the subject.

Biting: Lip biting is a strong suggestion of anxiety.

Rubbing: Any kind of rubbing movement — whether acrossthe eyes, ears or side of the nose denote self doubt.

So, the next time you are going to an interview ormeeting an important client with a proposal, these arebody language blunders you should not commit.

Steps to a SuCCeSS caRREEr

Positive thinkingHow Does Positive Thinking Impact Your Stress Level?

From Elizabeth Scott, M.S"I've heard that positive thinking can reduce stress levels. Why, and how, does this happen? And how can I change my thought patterns to be more positive?"Research shows the benefits of optimism and a positive frame of mind are huge: optimists enjoy better health, stronger relationships, are more productive, and experience less stress, among other things. This is because optimists tend to take more risks, and blame external circumstances if they fail, maintaining a 'try again' mindset; this makes them more likely to succeed in the future, and less upset by failure in general. Pessimists, on the other hand, tend to blame themselves when things go wrong, becoming more reluctant to try again with each negative experience in life. They begin to look at positive events in their lives as 'flukes' that have nothing to do with them, and expect the worst. In this way, optimists and pessimists both create self-fulfilling prophecies.

Self Confidence what is self confidence?And just how can we get some when we've run out or just aren't feeling up to par?

It can be as (if not more) important to look at how your self confidence can be undermined or lost as opposed to trying to work out how to get it. When people are wrong-footed or tripped up that's the time when they'll feel de-skilled, demoralised and unconfident. It only takes one episode where someone is humiliated, embarrassed, caught 'napping', not quite sure what to do next, and any self confidence they had goes right out the window (and then is really hard to get back). It's the difficult or tricky situations that erode self confidence, and though it might be a lovely fantasy to imagine going through life avoiding such situations, it's simply not possible. They're out there lurking, waiting to trip you up anyway. Once you identify the kinds of issues and scenarios that undermine your self confidence, and as importantly, identify the things you can do to change those situations. Then you are truly on the way to developing a stronger, more solid self confidence.
Practising self confidence
A good place to start is with those things you know you have some ability to deal with. What you are looking to do is get a series of small 'wins', events where you feel you've tried something out and made it work for you. For example, returning something to a shop. Find a shop with a guaranteed returns policy, then buy something you are not sure you want. Next day return armed with your receipt and return the item. This may sound small and contrived, but it is the way to practice self confidently doing what you've decided you want to do in this world. As you go on practising, you will get more wins, and more wins means a feeling of success which automatically creates a gain in self confidence. Gaining and developing self confidence underlies all our work.


Etiquette, one aspect of decorum, is a code that governs the expectations of social behavior, according to the contemporary conventional norm within a society, social class, or group. Usually unwritten, it may be codified in written form. Etiquette usually reflects formulas of conduct in which society